onsdag 2 november 2011


Idag dansar vi lealöst men energiskt till maskinen och ber om Apokalyps(o).

Sedan drömmer vi lite om Tim Curry i Legend:
Och mumlar saker som:
Oh, Mother Night! Fold your dark arms about me. Protect me in your black embrace. I sit alone, an impotent exile, whilst this form, this presence, returns to torment me! 
I require the solace of the shadows and the dark of the night. Sunshine is my destroyer.
You think you have won! What is light without dark? What are you without me? I am a part of you all. You can never defeat me. We are brothers eternal!
Love sucks.
Och ett evil skratt.

Sedan kör vi bilen tillsammans med Frankie boy rakt in i dimman:
Freakish Misery Galore/

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